Medium-Term Management Plan

ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings' Medium-Term Management Plan 2025

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Management Policy

In order to remain a company that is trusted by society, we will continue to contribute to healthcare by transforming into a leading company in the specialty areas within our domestic pharmaceutical business, and by creating pharmaceutical products that meet social needs through innovations. Furthermore, building upon our current business, we are aiming to become a “Total Healthcare Company” by conducting business operations domestically as well as internationally across the entire healthcare market of Prevention, Testing and Diagnostics, Treatment, and post-treatment.

Management Vision

Become a Total Healthcare Company with a Strong Foundation as a Specialty Pharma Company

Four Visions

  • 1. Expand business scope centered on pharmaceutical products
  • 2. Improve business operations through promoting open innovations
  • 3. Become the top domestic company regarding our specialty areas for pharmaceutical products
  • 4. Continue to be a company that holds Society’s trust

Target Figures

Operating profit rate
(Return on Equity)
70 billion yen 8% 8%

Seven Strategies

1. Enhancing Corporate Value by Strengthening Initiatives in the Specialty Areas
  • Contribute to improving women's QOL as a leading company in the field of obstetrics and gynecology
  • Promote awareness activities within the thyroid field and contribute to the treatment of potential patients
2. Continuous Creation of New Drugs through Advanced Drug Discovery
  • Leverage open innovations to continuously create new drugs
  • Promote and enhance global alliance activities as well as In-and-Out-licensing activities
3. Overseas Operations
  • Develop and provide high-quality pharmaceuticals within Asia, and strengthen our presence
4. Providing New Value to Realize “Total Healthcare”
  • Strengthen animal reproduction, immunity, and nutrition to support the health of companion animals
  • Take on new business challenges within the Testing and Diagnostic business, etc.
5. Improving Operational Efficiency, managing Costs, and Reinforcing Our Financial Base
  • Promote cost efficiency
  • Promote operational efficiency by engaging in DX
6. Foster an Organizational Culture that Emphasizes thorough Compliance and Accountability
  • Ensure company compliance and enhance trustworthiness from society
  • Achieve a high quality and stable supply chain at any given time
  • Strengthen corporate governance under the HD system
7. Develop Human Resources to Realize Growth Strategies
  • Develop and attract human resources that are capable of responding to new business opportunities as well as the changing environment
  • Create an environment in which a diverse range of talent can thrive, including women, professionals at every stage of their work journey and active seniors. “ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings aims to achieve its financial targets and to contribute to the realization of SDGs by addressing social issues through its business activities.”

Promotion of Sustainability

The ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group pursues ESG management so that it can solve social issues through its business. In this, we are guided by the corporate philosophy, “Contribute toward the improvement of people’s health and progress in society through the development of innovative products.” The Group has identified 11 material issues (most important issues). Of these, ”contribution to women’s health“ and ”contribution to animal health“ are particularly relevant material issues for the Company and are being promoted by the entire Group. We will also work to address climate change by reducing CO2 emissions through expanded use of solar power generation and the introduction of clean energy, and strengthen our human capital by developing and acquiring human resources capable of responding to new businesses and changes in the business and social environment, and by creating a working environment in which a diverse range of human resources, including women, career professionals, and seniors, can play an active role.
In April 2023, we established a new Sustainability Promotion Section in the Corporate Planning Department with the aim of further accelerating our efforts. We will continue to meet the expectations of our stakeholders by placing sustainability at the center of our management, striking a balance between maximizing the economic value of the Company and enhancing its social value.

Atsushi Maruo
Senior Managing Member of the Board of Directors,
Representative Director, in charge of Sustainability
ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings

Basic Policy for Sustainability

The Company has established CSR guiding principles and works for the ongoing growth for the Group as a whole and to contribute to society. As a trusted company, we will increase profitability through sound business practices and fulfill our social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen.

  1. Supplying High-Quality Pharmaceuticals
    1. All employees conduct business with integrity guided by our corporate philosophy.
    2. We provide a stable supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals with excellent efficacy and safety profiles.
  2. Ensuring Compliance
    1. We are thoroughly committed to corporate ethics and to compliance with all laws and regulations.
    2. We maintain fair relationships with stakeholders and conduct transactions that are fair, transparent, and based on free competition.
    3. Regarding the protection of personal information, we manage the information in compliance with our privacy policy.
  3. Respecting Human Rights
    1. We respect the human rights of all people affected by our business practices.
    2. We respect the diversity of our employees and strive to foster a safe and comfortable corporate culture.
  4. Contributing to Communities and Society
    1. As a good corporate citizen, we communicate with the local community and broader society while striving to contribute to the world.
  5. Preserving the Environment
    1. We participate in the realization of a sustainable society through environmental preservation and by practicing environmental management.

Materiality Map

Mapping of Material Issues

The Group aims to become a total healthcare company with a strong foundation as a specialty pharma company. To contribute to solving social issues and building a sustainable society, we established the ESG Committee in 2021 and identified 17 most important issues as our materiality. In 2023, we revised our materiality in response to the changing business and social environment. We recognize “contribution to women’s health” and “contribution to animal health” as distinctive material issues for the Company. We will strive as a Group to solve social issues and enhance our corporate value by addressing these and other material issues.