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Stakeholder Outcomes/Impact

At ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings, we believe it is important to maintain communication with investors and other stakeholders as we work to resolve social issues in line with our corporate philosophy of “Contribute toward the improvement of people’s health and progress in society through the development of innovative products.” We seek to create value over the long term as we increase profitability through sound business practices that earn the trust of our stakeholders.


Stakeholders: Medical Professionals
Outcomes generated
  • Providing women with choices supporting healthy and fulfilled lives
  • Addressing unmet medical needs
  • Contributing to preventive medicine and improving presymptomatic states
  • Providing a wide variety of pharmaceuticals catering to women’s different life stages
  • Ensuring that pharmaceuticals are manufactured correctly and providing information on their proper use, in doing so contributing to medical care
  • Using strengths in highly sensitive measurement technology for endogenous hormones to develop healthcare business
Dialogue engagement in FY2023
  • Lectures for medical professionals: 63 times; total of 36,407 participants (including online participants)


Stakeholders: Veterinary Medical Professionals and Livestock Producers
Outcomes generated
  • Contributing to creation of a society in which people and animals can coexist by protecting animal health and food safety
  • Enhancing the productivity of livestock operations and fisheries by utilizing our hormone preparations for breeding and amino acids
  • Supplying veterinary pharmaceuticals and other products that help to maintain the health of companion animals such as dogs and cats
  • Utilizing international exhibitions and online seminars to disseminate information
Dialogue engagement in FY2023
  • Seminars for veterinary medical professionals and livestock producers: 1 time; total of 350 participants
    Note: Also held several smaller seminars around Japan


Stakeholders: Local Community
Outcomes generated
  • Disseminating information necessary for staying healthy and confronting illness
  • Helping to improve women’s quality of life and promote women’s advancement
  • Helping to build a recycling-oriented society, preserving biodiversity, and tackling climate change
  • Conducting various activities via “Health Lab Mint+ for Women’s health” website to ensure that women have accurate information about their bodies and health
  • Protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity, and continuously reducing environmental impact in all of our business activities by working to reduce energy consumption, promote waste reduction and reuse, and control emissions of air and water pollution, chemical substances, and other pollutants.
Dialogue engagement in FY2023
  • Seminars for general public (patients): 7 times; total of 743 participants
  • Participation in “Iwaki Carbon Neutral Human Resource Development Consortium” (Iwaki Factory)
    Symposiums: 1
    Lectures: 15


Stakeholders: Shareholders and Investors
Outcomes generated
  • Contributing to sustainable improvement in corporate value
  • Steadily executing Medium-Term Management Plan 2025
  • Maximizing our economic value while also increasing our social value by placing sustainability at the center of our management
  • Taking the steps below to swiftly achieve a PBR (price-to-book ratio) of above 1x
      1. Growth strategy (implementation of growth strategy, optimal cash allocation)
      2. Strengthen shareholder returns (dividend payout benchmark ratio of 30% from FY2024)
      3. Strengthen IR activities (creation of dialogue opportunities, expansion of information disclosure)
Dialogue engagement in FY2023
  • Financial results presentations: 2 times; total of 90 participants
  • Conferences and meetings held by securities firms: 3 times
  • IR events for individual investors: 2 times; total of 1,286 participants
  • IR events for institutional investors (pipeline briefings): 1 time; total of 31 participants
  • One-on-one IR interviews/SR dialogue: 100 times; total of 110 companies and 163 persons participating


Stakeholders: Employees
Outcomes generated
  • Realizing wellbeing
  • Working to enhance employee engagement
  • Providing regular opportunities for dialogue between employees and management
  • Creating a human resources system empowering all employees to maximize their individual abilities while also putting in place training programs that respond to individuals’ desire for autonomous learning, and to support their growth
  • Promoting safety and health activities at each business site in accordance with the Company-wide Basic Policy on Safety and Health
  • Managing the health of our employees as well as their physical and mental well-being, their autonomous growth, and the further enhancement of organizational productivity and creativity
  • Engaging in initiatives contributing to the advancement of women as a step toward strongly promoting diversity based on respect for diverse values
Dialogue engagement in FY2023
  • Dialogues between employees and top management
    Number of dialogues: 74
    Time (hours): 110.5
  • Town hall meetings
    Number of meetings: 12
    Time (hours): 12
  • Round table meetings
    Number of meetings: 23
    Time (hours): 23
  • Workplace exchanges of opinion with labor union
    Number of exchanges: 1
    Time (hours): 3
  • Informal gatherings of labor and management
    Number of exchanges: 2
    Time (hours): 9