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Diversity & Inclusion

Basic Principles of Diversity and Inclusion

The Group believes that it is important to respect diverse values in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value. By building a diverse organization that is not bound by attributes such as gender, age, nationality, or race and fostering a corporate culture in which all employees can play an active role, we will be able to drive new innovations and achieve sustainable business growth.

Promoting Advancement of Women

We set an index for the ratio of women in management positions (central roles in management), and we are developing female managers by expanding the range of job opportunities, creating a rewarding workplace, promoting diverse and flexible work styles, and enhancing training programs so that women can broadly demonstrate their abilities according to their own desires. ASKA Pharmaceutical has set a target of 15% for its percentage of female managers by the end of FY2024 and is working to foster a workplace environment where women can fully demonstrate their abilities and play an active role. As a result of these efforts, the percentage of female officers and female managers has been increasing year by year. The percentage of female managers was 12.4% as of September 30, 2024.

Gender Wage Gap and Measures to Improve the Gap
Average annual salary ratio of male to female employees

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Male:Female 100:68 100:70 100:70 100:66 100:71

ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the core susidiary of the Group, has a single-rate wage (grade) system, and there are no differences between male and female employees regarding gender, age, etc. However, there are some differences between male and female employees in the personnel portfolio by job group and grade, which results in wage differences. We will improve our human resource portfolio and wage differentials in order to achieve ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s vision of a diverse workforce that is not restricted by age or attributes.

Factors causing the discrepancy are described below.

  • In FY2023, the ratio of female managers improved from 9.9% to 11.4% due to the promotion of gender diversity initiatives. Although the ratio of female managers is still the cause of the wage difference, the wage gap has been narrowing. Therefore, we will actively promote the training and promotion of female candidates for management positions.
  • Among part-time and fixed-term workers, women account for 89.4% of part-time employees whose wages are lower than those of fixed-term workers (rehired workers), which is the reason for the difference.

For details, please refer to the separate page "Initiatives to Promote Women's Advancement".

Initiatives to Promote Women's Advancement

Development of the Next Generation

The Group considers the creation of an environment in which the children of the next generation can be born and raised in good health to be one of the issues that must be addressed, and is committed to creating an employment environment that balances work and child rearing, as well as diverse working conditions for employees, including those who are not raising children, in all workplaces. We are fostering a culture in which employees at work and at home have a deeper understanding of the significance of child rearing and the joys associated with child rearing are felt throughout the Company.

ASKA Pharmaceutical, the core subsidiary of the Group, has formulated an action plan (Phase 3) based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. The Company has set the target of achieving this goal by the end of FY2023, and is promoting efforts to balance work and child rearing.
ASKA Pharmaceutical has maintained a 100% return rate for female employees after taking childcare leave, creating an environment in which employees can raise their children with peace of mind. Furthermore, ASKA Pharmaceutical is also focusing on creating an environment in which male employees can easily participate in child-rearing and educating them about this, aiming for a 100% male childcare leave utilization rate, creating systems that make it easier to take childcare leave, and deepening understanding of gender bias.

Support System for Balancing Infertility Treatment and Work

In order to support the balance between infertility treatment and work, we have introduced a leave system for infertility treatment and a flexible work style. We also hold study sessions to promote understanding of infertility treatment.

Promoting Male Childcare Leave

We have established a system that makes it easier for employees to take childcare leave by providing a portion of the leave as paid leave, thereby eliminating concerns about earnings. We have also deepened our understanding of gender bias and fostered a culture in which male employees can actively participate in child-rearing.

Institutional Design ahead of Legal Reforms

We are revising our internal systems before the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law. In addition, we are examining systems that exceed the law and introducing them as needed.

Use of Company Vehicles for Childcare, Nursing Care, Etc.

For the purpose of supporting a balance between work and childcare/nursing care, the Company allows the private use of Company vehicles based on the application of employees who wish to use them.

Company-initiated Babysitter User Support Program

Employees who take care of infants and children up to the third grade of elementary school can use the discount coupons when using the Company-initiated babysitting service provided by the Cabinet Office.

Action Plan regarding the "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children"

Plan period: Two years from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025
Target 1. Further encourage male employees to obtain childcare leave.
  • Training to correct gender-based unconscious bias
  • Recommendations to increase the number of days taken by male employees for childcare leave
  • Recommendations to disseminate the contents of the rules and regulations with the target of 100% male employees taking childcare leave.
Target 2 Creating a work environment where employees can continue to work while undergoing infertility treatment.
  • Establishment of a consultation service to assist in balancing infertility treatment and work
  • Raise awareness of the use of the hourly paid leave system
Taget 3 Considerations during pregnancy and after delivery.
  • Notify pregnant employees of the use of morning sickness leave and maternal healthcare guidance cards. 
  • Conduct breast/cervical cancer tests and thyroid tests to detect diseases among female employees at an early stage.

Employment of People with Disabilities

The Group strives to create a workplace environment in which all people (with and without disabilities) can work with vigor and enthusiasm. By working together, we share new discoveries and knowledge, and foster a culture of mutual recognition.
We aim to be a group where all human resources can maximize their abilities and feel a sense of fulfillment as we work toward the realization of an inclusive society.

  • Cordial Farm
    As one means of creating a safe working environment for people with disabilities and revitalizing the local community, we employ people with disabilities at the Cordiale Farm in Miyazaki Prefecture. Vegetables grown at the Cordiale Farm are provided to the head office cafeteria and served as healthy salads by the chefs.

Diverse Recruitment (career recruitment, non-Japanese recruitment)

We believe that in order to respond to rapid changes in the social environment and achieve sustainable growth as a company, it is necessary to create solutions to various increasingly complex issues. In this process, for specific skills and abilities that are lacking within the Company, we will actively recruit human resources in a timely manner to meet our needs by utilizing external resources, especially career professionals who have built up their skills outside the Company.
When recruiting, we will scrutinize diverse backgrounds and hire people who match the Company's ongoing competitive strengths, regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age, color, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status or disability, and develop them with a view to becoming core management human resources in the future. Also, we will promote the recruitment of career professionals as a means to contribute to correcting the aging structure within the company.

Local Employment

We believe that in contributing to local communities through our business, it is important to create jobs by hiring local employees. We will contribute to the development of the various regions in which we operate by revitalizing local employment and promoting local procurement.


The Group will maximize its value by strengthening its organizational capabilities through fair, equitable, and free competition by actively and continuously hiring and appointing diverse human resources with various work histories, without regard to nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age, skin color, religion, creed/ideology, sexual orientation/gender identity, social status, or disability.
In FY2023, we held lectures on LGBTQ themes for department managers and upper positions, etc., to promote a better understanding of gender identity and sexual orientation.