Guiding Principles
ASKA has established CSR guiding principles and works for the ongoing growth for the Group as a whole and to contribute to society. As a trusted company, we will increase profitability through sound business practices and fulfill our social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen.
1 Supplying high-quality pharmaceuticals
- All employees conduct business with integrity guided by our corporate philosophy. We provide a stable supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals with excellent efficacy and safety profiles.
2 Ensuring compliance
- We are thoroughly committed to corporate ethics and to compliance with all laws and regulations. We maintain fair relationships with stakeholders and conduct transactions that are fair-minded, transparent, and based on free competition. Regarding the protection of personal information, we manage the information in compliance with our privacy policy.
3 Respecting human rights
- We respect the human rights of all people affected by our business practices. We respect the diversity of our employees and strive to foster a safe and comfortable corporate culture.
4 Contributing to communities and society
- As a good corporate citizen, we communicate with the local community and broader society while striving to contribute to the world.
5 Preserving the environment
- We participate in the realization of a sustainable society through environmental preservation and by practicing environmental management.
Disclosure Policy
Editorial Policy
ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings provides stakeholders with messages from management regarding our management strategies and important issues, and discloses ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) related information based on the seven core subjects of ISO 26000, the international standard for social responsibility, and their classification. ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group's Strengths We introduce the initiatives of ASKA Pharmaceuticals, ASKA Animal Health, and ASKA Pharma Medical under the theme of clarifying the strengths of the ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group and promoting a better understanding of our business activities. Based on the opinions and inquiries from our stakeholders, we have sequentially posted the most requested information.
Referenced Guidelines and Frameworks
- GRI Standards
- IFRS Foundation Integrated Reporting Framework
- ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Guidance for Integrated Corporate Disclosure and Company-Investor Dialogue for Collaborative Value Creation
- Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018)
- Recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) (Final Report), and others
Reported Matters
- Period: The information is based on information from April 2021 onward. (Some information is outside the period covered.)
- Scope: ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd. and Group companies
ESG Promotion System
- It consists of three meeting bodies: the ESG Committee, ESG Promotion Meeting, and Committee of Managers for ESG Promotion.
- The ESG Committee deliberates on matters proposed by the ESG Promotion Meeting and promptly responds/reports to the Board of Directors as soon as a decision is made.
- The flow of promotion of ESG activities by the three meeting bodies is as follows:
1. The Committee of Managers for ESG Promotion, consisting of representatives of each division and department, identifies issues and proposes them to the ESG Promotion Committee.
2. The ESG Promotion Committee aggregates issues from each division and department from a company-wide perspective and proposes a materiality proposal to the ESG Committee.
3. The ESG Committee identifies company-wide material issues (materiality) and determines ESG strategies.
4. Under the ESG Promotion Meeting, the Committee of Managers for ESG Promotion formulates divisional goals and plans and promotes ESG activities.
5. The ESG Promotion Meeting summarizes the ESG activities promoted by each division on a quarterly basis and reports them to the ESG Committee.
6. The ESG Committee evaluates the content of activities.
As a responsible company in the life-related industry, ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings provides safe and high-quality pharmaceutical products. At the same time, we will contribute to the sustainable development of an affluent society as a trusted company through active communication with society at large.