Compliance / Risk Management


Basic Principles

We have established a department to promote and support compliance within each Group company and developed the necessary internal systems, and rules and regulations. The structure we have created facilitates the prompt handling of cases, the formulation of measures to prevent violations, and other measures. This means that officers and employees can engage in corporate activities with peace of mind. To increase awareness of compliance of employees of the Group, we are conducting compliance education for each job level while working to grasp the level of employee awareness through questionnaire surveys and identify points for improvement.
In FY2021, we conducted interviews with each department of the Group based on the results of the compliance awareness survey and worked for more thorough compliance by gaining a greater understanding of the current situation, identifying problems, and conducting training and problem solving based on actual conditions. The Group Compliance Promotion Committee has been established to supervise the Group’s efforts toward recognizing and responding to risks that could have a significant impact on Group management and promoting a compliance system that thoroughly complies with laws and corporate ethics.

Group Compliance Promotion Structure

The Group Compliance Promotion Committee has been established to supervise the Group’s efforts toward recognizing and responding to risks that could have a significant impact on Group management and promoting a compliance system that thoroughly complies with laws and corporate ethics.

Group Compliance Promotion Structure

Charter of Corporate Behavior/Compliance Code of Conduct

All officer[s and employees of the Group strive to comply with the Compliance Program, which includes the Charter of Corporate Behavior, the Compliance Code of Conduct, and the Whistleblower System.

Charter of Corporate Behavior

Sustainability / Fair Operating Practices / Compliance

Whistle-blower System

As a system to reflect the voices of employees in compliance practice, we have established a whistle-blower office, the ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ compliance consulting desk, and have promoted awareness of the desk through education and training programs.
In addition to the internal and external contact points that have been in place for some time, we have established a new contact point for consultation and reporting of compliancerelated matters involving officers of the Group. It is staffed by ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ Audit & Supervisory Board members (Audit & Supervisory Board member consulting desk). This contact point, which is independent from senior management, is intended to lower the psychological hurdle forofficers and employees for consultation and reporting of compliance-related matters involving senior management, and to ensure that investigations and corrective measures are carried out in a timely and appropriate manner. Reporting can be also done anonymously, and all cases are handled appropriately.
Through this system, we will ensure that whistle-blowers are protected and that compliance-related matters are reported, investigated, and corrective measures are taken in a timely and appropriate manner, in accordance with the spirit of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group (the "Group") is committed to preventing bribery and corruption in accordance with the Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Code of Conduct for Compliance.
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group. We request the same understanding from all domestic and overseas stakeholders, including those in our supply chain, who are involved in our business activities.

Prohibition of Bribery

In all of its business activities, whether in Japan or overseas, the Group shall engage in fair, transparent, and free competition, and shall maintain sound and normal relationships with medical professionals, related business partners, government agencies, political organizations (individuals), and others. We prohibit the giving or receiving of illegal money or other forms of payment.

Prohibition of Bribery by Business Partners, Agents, etc.

We request that all domestic and overseas stakeholders, including those in our supply chain, involved in our business activities understand the prohibition of bribery.

Anti-Bribery Due Diligence

The Group conducts due diligence on companies with which it intends to enter into new transactions or with which it already does business in order to mitigate risks related to bribery and corrupt practices.

Prohibition of Illegal Political Contributions

The Group prohibits illegal political contributions and other corrupt practices.

Role of Top Management and Enforcement of this Policy

The top executives and other officers shall take the initiative in taking action to prevent bribery and corruption in accordance with the Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Code of Conduct for Compliance, and shall ensure that all employees are fully aware of these standards.
In addition, we will understand internal and external opinions, build effective governance, and ensure that corporate ethics are thoroughly upheld. In the event of a violation of this policy, top management will take responsibility for resolving the problem, investigating the cause, preventing recurrence, and promptly and accurately disclosing information to the public. In addition, the top management will fulfill its responsibility as a corporation, restore trust in the Company, and take strict disciplinary action, including that of the Board of Directors and officers.

Protection of Intellectual property

Intellectual property rights include patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, and trademark rights, which protect creations through intellectual creative activities. We respect the rights of third parties and cooperate with relevant departments to formalize and protect intellectual property rights throughout the Company. In addition to protecting rights related to newly developed products, we maximize value by utilizing intellectual property rights to extend the life cycle of existing products, including new dosage formulations. Moreover, we are promoting the globalization of our intellectual property activities and have established a system that enables us to collect and utilize intellectual property information overseas. We are working to strengthen cooperation with our partner companies in terms of intellectual property. With the growing importance of intellectual property, we will further contribute to our business growth through these efforts.

Compliance Education and Training

We have established a department to promote and support compliance within each Group company and developed the necessary internal systems, rules, and regulations. The structure we have created facilitates the prompt handling of cases, the formulation of measures to prevent violations, and other measures. This means that Board Members and employees can engage in corporate activities with peace of mind. To increase awareness of compliance of employees of the Group, we are conducting compliance education for each job level while working to grasp the level of employee awareness through questionnaire surveys and to identify points for improvement. In FY2022, we worked to further ensure compliance by conducting training and problem solving based on actual situations upon our understanding of the current situation and by identifying problems from the results of the compliance awareness survey. The Group Compliance Promotion Committee has been established to supervise the Group's efforts toward recognizing and responding to risks that could have a significant impact on Group management and promoting a compliance system that thoroughly complies with laws and corporate ethics.

Fiscal Year FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of compliance training held 12 16 15

Risk Management

Basic Policy

In order to deal with risks that may affect the business activities of the Group, we have established the Group Business Risk Management Rules and are implementing a risk management system with classifications based on characteristics and risks. Each department prepares and operates procedure manuals and systematically works to resolve issues through annual risk assessments and the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of countermeasures based on the results of those assessments.

Business Continuity Plan(BCP)

In order to ensure a stable supply of pharmaceuticals and other products, we have formulated a BCP for natural disasters such as large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis, and are working to ensure a system that will enable the early restoration of our business activities. In addition, to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business activities, we have established a task force and implemented measures including the promotion of telecommuting in accordance with preventive measures guidelines. Going forward, we will continue to enhance our preparedness for anticipated risks, conduct employee awareness activities, and further improve our crisis management system.

Information Security Policy

ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") recognizes that the appropriate management of information assets is an important management issue and has implemented the following measures to ensure safe and secure management.

  1. Establishment of information security management system
    The Group has established an information security management system to protect information assets held by the Group and to maintain and improve information security.
  2. Establishment of internal rules for information security
    The Group has established internal rules for information security in order to appropriately manage information assets.
  3. Education on information security
    All officers and employees of the Group are informed of the importance of information security and the proper use of information assets held by the Group.
  4. Implementation of Information Security Measures
    The Group takes appropriate measures to prevent and correct unauthorized access to, loss, leakage, falsification, and destruction of information assets.
  5. Compliance with laws and regulations
    The Group shall comply with laws, regulations, and other relevant norms related to information security.
  6. Maintenance of audit system
    The Group shall strive to ensure information security by establishing an internal audit system to check and evaluate the status of compliance with laws, regulations, and internal rules.

Assurance of Product Quality, Safety Control and Stable Supply

As a total healthcare company that operates in the entire healthcare market of "prevention, testing/diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis," the Group is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Law on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices and other laws and ministerial ordinances, ensuring the quality and safety of our pharmaceutical products, and supporting a stable supply. All employees of our group are committed to thorough compliance governance and fostering a corporate culture that emphasizes product reliability as its first priority.

Please see the page link below to refer to ASKA Pharmaceutical's efforts to ensure the quality and safety of the products, and maintain a stable supply system.

Customer Health and Safety - Production / Quality & Safety Assurance