As long as needed, we will deliver valuable pharmaceuticals to patients
We have been engaged in the development of new
drugs in the three therapeutic areas of internal
medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and urology,
as well as the provision of generics, which are also a
need of society. We enhance our presence as a
specialty pharma company by focusing on the
continuous development of new drugs to deliver
higher value-added products.
Internal Medicine
We have drugs for gastric and intestinal diseases such as gastric ulcers, gastritis, reflux
esophagitis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as for hyperlipidemia, hypertension,
and endocrine disorders such as thyroid disease. In the thyroid area, we have a large share
(96%) of the domestic market.
Hepatic encephalopathy agent
Antihypertensive agent
Hypothyroidism agent
Obstetrics and Gynecology
We contribute to the improvement of women's quality of life by providing oral
contraceptives, emergency contraceptives and pharmaceuticals related to menstruation,
fertility agents such as ovulation-inducing agents for those who wish to conceive,
pharmaceuticals to treat uterine fibroids and endometriosis, and pharmaceuticals for
management during pregnancy and childbirth.
Uterine fibroids and
endometriosis agent
Dysmenorrhea agent
We are utilizing the technologies we have cultivated in our traditional hormone products,
including agents for prostate cancer, which is increasing every year due to the aging of the
population and the westernization of our diet, as well as agents for dysuria and urinary
incontinence, and agents for various symptoms caused by low male hormone levels.
Endometriosis, uterine fibroids,
and prostate cancer agent
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
and prostate cancer agent