Approach to Water Resources
Water, the source of all life, circulates on Earth and interacts with other natural components like the atmosphere and soil. It provides tremendous benefits to various ecosystems. The Group recognizes that securing good quality water is essential for its business activities. Therefore, we are committed to properly managing water resources and aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable water recycling society.
Water Use Targets and Results
Water Use Targets
In the FY2023-2025 Medium-term Environmental Plan, ASKA Pharmaceutical's Iwaki factory has set the following specific goals for water-related initiatives: "As a business site in Iwaki City, we will cooperate with local businesses and schools regarding carbon neutrality and the use of industrial water," and "We will also strive to minimize the burden on the environment and prevent marine pollution by appropriately handling and managing wastewater."
Water Use Results
At the Iwaki factory, water withdrawal in FY2022 was 138.73 thousand m3 , (down 9.85 thousand m3 YOY; wastewater discharge in FY2022 was 35.14 thousand m3 (down 10.63 thousand m3 YOY).
Shonan Research Center's water withdrawal in FY2022 was 14.35 thousand m3 , (down 0.50 thousand m3 YOY); its wastewater discharge in FY2022 was 8.92 thousand m3 (down 307 thousand m3 YOY).
Efforts for Water Resources
In wastewater, the ASKA Group strives to minimize the burden on the environment and prevent marine pollution through appropriate response and management.
ASKA Pharmaceutical has invested around 270 million yen to construct a new wastewater treatment facility at its Iwaki factory in April 2021. The primary goal of this investment is to enhance the factory's wastewater treatment capacity. The new facility uses the latest technology and is expected to save energy. The factory has also signed a pollution prevention agreement with Iwaki-shi in Fukushima Prefecture and has met its voluntary control figures, which are set stricter than the standard figures. In October 2021, the Company re-signed the Pollution Prevention Agreement. This reaffirms and further strengthens our commitment to the environment.
At the Shonan Research Center, employees attend environmental preservation training sessions hosted by Shonan iPark and receive training in dealing with accidental discharges of biological wastewater. In addition, to prevent such accidental discharges, we have placed a sign on the sink with procedures for handling it and installed foot pedals.
At our head office, we are also working on wastewater treatment by using water-saving sensor taps in the toilets and sinks and introducing bio-agents that break down grease and proteins in the grease trap tank in the kitchen of the cafeteria.
Initiatives for Water Risk
The Group uses the water risk assessment tool (WRI AQUEDUCT) provided by the World Resources Institute to evaluate the water scarcity risk at its major business sites. As of February 2024, the assessment showed that the Group did not have any areas classified as "High risk" or "Extremely high risk" for water stress.
Results of the risk assessment(WRI AQUEDUCT)
Results of the risk assessment for water stress in major business sites
Water strerss
Business sites
Low to medium risk
Iwaki Factory
Medium to high risk
Shonan Research Center
High or extremely high risk
Not applicable
We have assessed that there are no areas with a high risk of water scarcity in the regions where our major business sites are located. However, we understand the importance of responsible water usage and will continue to take measures to reduce our water consumption. This includes raising awareness among our employees about water conservation and managing tap water and industrial water usage more efficiently. We will also review the operation and cleaning plans of our production facilities to promote water conservation. Moreover, we will collaborate with local businesses and schools to promote measures that will help conserve the region's water resources.