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Initiatives for Recycle-Oriented Society and Biodiversity

Toward a Recycling-Oriented Society

We aim to use resources more efficiently and minimize waste as much as possible, which is crucial for maintaining business continuity. We have set the reduction of waste as a target in our medium-term environmental plan. and are actively working on resource saving and waste reduction measures. To protect the environment and continuously reduce environmental impact in all of our business activities, we are working to reduce energy consumption, promote waste reduction and reuse, and control emissions of air and water pollution, chemical substances, and other pollutants. By proactively addressing resource conservation and waste reduction, we will contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society that aims for more efficient use of resources.

Initiatives to Reduce Waste Volume

Promotion of 3R Activities

We promote 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) activities at our head office in consideration of the effective use of waste and environmental impact. We also strive to reduce the use of copy papers and unnecessary printings.

Recycling of Metal

Recycling of metal at the Iwaki Factory is in progress. Conducted sequential recycling of machinery and other valuable resources related to the renovation of the No. 1 formulation building.

Paperless Activities Associated with the Office Renewal Project

In conjunction with the renewal of the head office in FY2022, we promoted paperless activities. As a result, reduce the use of paper documents by 70% in all companies in the Group.

Actual Waste Volume

Of the 193 tons of waste generated by ASKA Pharmaceutical’s factory and research center in FY2022, 111 tons were ultimately recycled, which is 58% of the total amount of waste generated. In addition, 70 tons were consigned to final disposal, or 36% of the total amount of waste generated.

Promoting Green Purchasing

As part of our efforts to protect the environment, we actively select products that comply with the Green Purchasing Guidelines

Introduction Results
  • Paper (copy paper, toilet paper, etc.)
  • Stationery (ballpoint pens, clear holders, etc.)
  • Office furniture (chairs, desks, shelves, etc.)
  • Imaging equipment (displays, projectors, etc.)
  • Electronic computers (PC)s
  • Office equipment (color MFPs, shredders, etc.)
  • Lighting (LED light fixtures, bulb-shaped lamps), etc.
Case Examples

We plan to introduce environmentally-friendly laptops* as personal computers for our Group's employees in the first half of FY2024.

*VAIOPro PK series

  • Compliant with Green Purchasing Guidelines
  • Compliant with International ENERGY STAR Program Ver.8.0
  • Achievement rate of AAA (over 140%) for 2022 Revised Energy Conservation Act
  • Compliant with content rate standards for specific chemical substances in RoHS Directive
  • Compliant with J-Moss Green Mark Guideline
  • Compliant with JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) VOC emission rate guideline standards for PCs and tablet devices
  • Compliant with PC3R (PC3R Promotion Association) PC Green Label Ver.14 (Environmental performance: ★★★)

VAIO Corporation's Environmental Initiatives(https://vaio.com/environment/)Japanese only

  •   Environmentally friendly VAIOPro PK series

  •     VAIO Corporation Headquarters Plant
           (Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture)

Other Initiatives

Management of Air and Water Resources

To prevent air pollution, the Group is working to reduce emissions of hazardous substances. We measure and report the concentrations of NOx, SOx, soot and dust at our business locations twice a year, and all of these concentrations are below the standard values.
We will continue to strive to reduce emissions of hazardous substances through appropriate management of air.

Please click here to learn more about our water resource management and initiatives.

Initiatives for Water Resource

Management of Chemical Substances

The Group handles a wide variety of chemical substances and is committed to thorough management of these substances, which includes their safe use and storage. We have also established a system for the proper management of chemical substances at each of our business locations, and review the rules and regulations for this system as necessary. We will continue to reduce emissions and transfers of chemical substances subject to the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)* system and promote appropriate management of chemical substances by considering the use of alternative, safer chemical substances.
 * A system for collecting and disseminating information about releases and transfers of chemical substances

Our total nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in FY2022 were 1,483 kg, and total sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions in FY2022 were 0.100 kg.


The Group recognizes that the environmental impact associated with our business activities affects biodiversity. We strive to reduce this impact in various ways, including through resource conservation and climate change countermeasures, in order to maintain and conserve biodiversity. We will also develop our veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal feed additives businesses so that we can contribute to the creation of a society where people and animals can coexist in harmony.

This section introduces the efforts for biodiversity of our group company(ASKA Animal Health).
・Continuing to reduce the use of phosphorus ore, a natural resource, by marketing the feed additive Phytase.
 * phosphorus ore…An essential element for living organisms and necessary for the extraction of phosphorus, which provides biodiversity.
・L-histidine hydrochloride was designated as a new feed additive.
 Expected to contribute to the reduction of fishmeal use in fish feed and to the conservation of natural fishmeal resources.