To realize a discrimination-free society and business in all forms, we strive to raise awareness of human rights through employee training.
Human Rights Policy
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (hereinafter referred to as "UN Global Compact"), ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as "Group") agrees with the Ten Principles in the four areas (human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption) of the UN Global Compact and will implement them under the responsibility of top management itself.
Scope of Application
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group. The Group will require all domestic and overseas stakeholders involved in its business activities, including those in the supply chain, to have a similar understanding of the policy.
Prohibition of discrimination
The Group prohibits discrimination and harassment of any kind on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, social status, gender, disability, health status, age, skin color, religion, creed or ideology, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the Group will respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining of its employees, guarantee the rights of its employees, and maintain and promote sound and good labor-management relations without discrimination.
Improvement of working environment and wages
The Group will comply with laws and regulations, manage working hours appropriately, grant days off, vacations, etc., and strive to maintain a workplace environment that allows the Group's employees to work in a safe and secure condition. Moreover, the Group will comply with legal requirements regarding statutory benefits and deductions, overtime, etc. in each region, and ensure that the amount of wages exceeds the statutory minimum wage standards.
Prohibition of forced labor
The Group does not tolerate any form of forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor.
Whistle-blower system
As a system to reflect the voices of employees regarding unfair discrimination and harassment in the workplace, sexual harassment, and power harassment in compliance practice, the Group has established a whistle-blower office, the “ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ compliance consulting desk,” and a new contact point for consultation and reporting of compliance-related matters involving its officers, “Audit & Supervisory Board member consulting desk.” It is staffed by ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ Audit & Supervisory Board members.
Anonymous reporting is also accepted, and all cases are handled appropriately. In accordance with the spirit of the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Group protects whistleblowers and ensures that compliance-related matters are collected, investigated, and corrective measures are taken in a timely and appropriate manner.
Human rights education
In order to realize a company and society free of all forms of discrimination, the Group provides training on the importance of respect for human rights and compliance, and promotes the creation of a workplace where each employee can maximize his or her abilities while protecting the dignity of others.
Human rights due diligence
As a system to reflect the voices of employees regarding unfair discrimination and harassment in the workplace, sexual harassment, and power harassment in compliance practice, the Group has established a whistle-blower office, the “ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ compliance consulting desk,” and a new contact point for consultation and reporting of compliance-related matters involving its officers, “Audit & Supervisory Board member consulting desk.” It is staffed by ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings’ Audit & Supervisory Board members.
Human rights promotion system
Corporate Governance Basic Policy
Corporate Governance Structure
Our Basic Policy for Sustainability / ESG Promotion System
Respect for Human Rights
The Company's Charter of Corporate Behavior stipulates that the Company shall "respect human rights and comply with all laws, regulations, codes of conduct, and the spirit of such laws and regulations, whether in Japan or overseas, and act with the highest ethical standards and social conscience.” The CSR guiding principles state that the Company respects the human rights of all people affected by its corporate activities, respects the diversity of its employees, and fosters a safe and comfortable corporate culture. To realize a discrimination-free society and business in all forms, the Company provides training on the importance of respect for human rights and compliance and promotes the creation of a workplace where each employee can maximize his or her potential while protecting the dignity of all employees.
Favorable Labor-Management Relations
The Company also focuses on its relationship with the labor union, and by holding and responding to many labor-management discussions on various issues related to working conditions and the working environment, as well as various issues related to work styles in support of the next generation, the Company guarantees employee rights and maintains and promotes sound and healthy labor-management relations.
Prevention of Harassment in the Workplace
The Company believes that unjust discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and power harassment in the workplace are important issues related to human rights violations in the sense that they violate the right to work in a comfortable work environment and are extremely despicable behaviors.
To prevent and eliminate such harassment, the Company takes necessary care in employment management and conducts employee training. In particular, the Company ensures that executives and managers acquire correct knowledge and raise their awareness of harassment prevention through the use of guidebooks and more specific examples in their training on harassment.