Forecasts of Consolidated Financial Results for FY2024
Millions of yen |
FY2023 Actual |
FY2024 Forecast |
YOY Actual |
YOY % |
Net Sales |
62,843 |
63,000 |
156 |
0.2 |
Operating profit |
6,500 |
6,700 |
199 |
3.1 |
Ordinary profit |
6,522 |
6,700 |
177 |
2.7 |
Profit attributable to owners of parent |
7,545 |
5,000 |
-2,545 |
-33.7 |
Pharmaceutical business, the Group’s core business, is projected to record consolidated net sales of 63,000 million yen (up 0.2% YoY), thanks in part to the contributions of growth in obstetrics and gynecological products, despite the impact of periodical NHI drug price revisions. A look at profits shows projections of 6,700 million yen (up 3.1% YoY) in operating profit, 6,700 million yen (up 2.7% YoY) in ordinary profit, despite the projected increase in expenses, mainly R&D expenses. Projected profit attributable to owners of parent is 5,000 million yen (down 33.7% YoY) due to the rebound from the gain on sales of investment securities that occurred in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.
Under the Medium-Term Management Plan that took effect beginning in FY2021, the Company is targeting Groupwide net sale of 70 billion yen, operating profit of 8%, and ROE of 8% in FY2025, as it aims to be a total healthcare company based on specialty pharma. While the Company has maintained solid financial results thanks to the efforts of each Group Company, it will carry out Groupwide initiatives toward realization of these goals through further steady execution of growth strategies. In addition to promoting sustainability management further, the Company will aim to help realize a sustainable society and for sustained growth through creation of social value and increasing corporate value over the medium to long term.