
Material Issue Identification Process

11 material issues identified

We have identified 11 "material issues" from the perspective of relevance to our business and social contribution.
We recognize “contribution to women’s health” and “contribution to animal health” as distinctive material issues for the Company.
ASKA Pharmaceutical Holdings group will work on each issue and contribute to the achievement of SDGs.

Company-wide Action Plan and KPIs for Material Issues

ESG Material Issues Company-wide Action Plan KPIs SDGs
E Environmental protection and continuous reduction of environmental impact Environmental protection, continuous reduction of environmental impact, and promotion of environmental management 1. Reduction of CO2 emissions: Reduction of 46% from FY2013 (FY2030)
2. Reduction of total waste
3. Improvement in recycling rates
4. Promotion of environmental measures
5. Environmentally conscious business operations
6. Reduction of the use of natural resources
7. Reduction of emissions of environmentally harmful substances (reduction of the impact of nitrogen on the environment by promoting low-protein feed)
S Human resource development Development of human resources to realize growth strategies 1. Number of in-house recruitment system and interdepartmental transfers
(number of career challenges)
2. Number of elective training courses taken: Next-generation leader training Number of selective  training courses taken: Training to promote the advancement of women (career development of female employees)/other selective training as a measure to support the autonomous learning of employees Expenditures per employee (for education)
3. Promote the implementation of internal and external hierarchical training/selective training (career development of female employees)
Employee engagement Creation of an environment that promotes understanding of the organization, sympathy, and motivation to take action, and achievement of work-life balance that respects the health and diversity of our employees 1. Optimization of working hours: Promotion of the use of annual paid leave as planned, guidance for promotion of the use of annual leave, provision of annual leave (taken hourly), etc.
2. Health management initiatives
3. Promotion of various working styles: telecommunicating, telework, flextime, short-time work, etc.
4. Implementation of regular stress checks and surveys for engagement
5. Promotion of women’s advancement in active roles (FY2024 target): Percentage of female managers (15%)
Percentage of female medical representatives (20%)
6. Promotion of active roles for diverse human resources
7. Measures to support development of the next generation: Maternity leave
 (utilization rate 100%) / Childcare leave for male employees (utilization rate 100%)
8. Support for medical representatives to take maternity leave and childcare leave (implementation of reintegration programs, social gatherings, etc.)
Creation of innovative products Expansion of pipeline through open innovation 1. Promotion of in-house research themes
2. Reinforcement of alliance activities
Expanding access to healthcare Contributions to specialty areas by taking advantage of our own strengths 1. Provision of comprehensive information on specialty areas (Ob/Gyn, thyroid)
2. Promotion of accurate information and raising disease awareness
3. Early identification of diseases through activities to promote testing and diagnostics
4. Early detection of disease through non-invasive measurement kit
Contribution to women’s health Total support for women’s health 1. Contribution to women’s healthcare by providing products for each of women’s life stages
2. New initiatives for women’s healthcare
3. Promotion of the advancement of women through activities to raise awareness on health and diseases
4. Sexual education initiatives for younger generation
5. Activities to raise awareness among families and partners about women’s health issues
Contribution to animal health Contribution to creation of a society where people and animals can coexist 1. Promotion of animal welfare
2. Development and provision of products useful for maintaining the health of companion animals
3. Development and provision of non-invasive measurement kit products using body hair
4. Promotion of biodiversity
Stable supply of high-quality products
Ensuring product quality and stable procurement and supply
1. Reinforcement of supply chain management
2. Implementation of appropriate GMP audits
3. Implementation of appropriate GQP (ensuring that a quality assurance system is in place)
Promotion of proper use of products Ensuring safety and providing information on proper use 1. Implementation of appropriate clinical trials (GCP compliance)
2. Adequate implementation of GVP and RMP
3. Compliance with GVP and guidelines for activities for provision of sales information
4. Dissemination of materials and knowledge to promote proper use, and strengthening product education for medical representatives, etc.
5. Prompt provision of latest information through website
G Corporate governance Establishment of corporate system for continuous growth 1. Fostering corporate culture and climate that respect healthy business ethics
2. Ensuring real equality of shareholders
3. Social contribution activities that lead to solving social issues
4. Constructive dialogue with stakeholders
5. Appropriate disclosure and explanation of management strategy, performance, financial condition, capital policy, etc.
Secure compliance with laws and regulations, enforcement of compliance Thorough maintenance of compliance and fostering an organizational climate that emphasizes reliability 1. Compliance system mainly promoted by Group Compliance Promotion Committee
2. Continuous implementation of preventive measures against serious incidents

Major Material Issue Initiatives Achievements

This section introduces the results of our efforts for material issue KPIs that are of particular interest to our stakeholders.
Our ESG Committee will oversee material issue initiatives and drive improvements.

E:  Environmental protection and continuous reduction of environmental impact
Company-wide Action Plan Environmental protection, continuous reduction of environmental impact, and promotion of environmental management
KPIs FY2023 activity report
Reduction of CO2 emissions: Reduction of 46% from FY2013 (FY2030)
  • CO2 emissions in FY2023
  • ・Calculated greenhouse gas emissions of CO2 generated from energy use: 11,038t-CO2
  • ・Adjusted greenhouse gas emissions: 9,004t-CO2 (84% of previous year)
  • CO2-free electricity purchase (16% of the electricity purchased at Iwaki Factory is purchased from alternative clean energy sources. : CO2 emissions reduced by 538t)
  • Conversion to renewable energy through purchase of non-fossil certificates for annual electricity consumption at the head office building. (CO2 emissions reduced by 366t)
  • Progress of solar power installation at Iwaki Factory: Started operation in June 2024. (Estimated annual CO2 emissions reduced by 440t)
  • Held company-wide energy management meeting and confirmed annual targets and mid- to long-term targets.
Reduction of total waste
  • Total amount of waste from Iwaki Factory in FY2023: 159t (Recycling amount: 151t, Final disposal amount: 8t)
  • ※ FY2020: 128t, FY2021: 153t, FY2022: 137t
  • Total amount of waste in FY2023: 31.4t (Compared to FY2022: 36%)
  • ※ 68% of the planned annual waste amount of 45.9 tons for FY2023 submitted to Minato City
Improvement in recycling rates
  • Recycling rate at Iwaki Factory: approx. 95% (FY2023)
  • ※ FY2020: 67%, FY2021: 58%, FY2022: 79%
  • Recycling rate at head office: 75.8% (FY2023)
  • ※ Amount of recycled: 23.8 tons, total amount of waste: 31.4 tons
Promotion of environmental measures
  • Posted "Initiatives to Achieve a Decarbonized Society" on the website.
  • Head office's efforts
  • ・Promoted the purchase of green products. (Ratio of green products purchased in FY2023: 65%)
  • Iwaki Factory's efforts
  • ・Participated in Iwaki City Adopt Program and conducted monthly environmental beautification campaigns as planned.
  • ・As in previous years, Iwaki Factory began operating the ISO 14001 environmental management system in June.
  • Shonan Research Center's efforts:
  • ・Promotion of A/C night mode
  • ・Fluorocarbon inspection
  • ・Installation of air purifiers in each room/periodic cleaning (July)
Environmentally conscious business operations
  • Shonan Research Center maintains a system for promoting environmental preservation, in accordance with the "Agreement on Environmental Preservation" between Fujisawa City/Kamakura City, which Shonan iPark has concluded.
  • Selection of environmentally friendly VAIO PCs as next-generation client PCs.
  • Participated in "Renewable Energy 100 Declaration Re Action"
  • Disclose scenario analysis based on TCFD proposal.
  • Posted "Water Resource Initiatives" on the website.
Reduction of the use of natural resources
  • Promoted reduction of use of phosphate ore, a natural resource, by marketing the feed additive Phytase.
Reduction of emissions of environmentally harmful substances (reduction of the impact of nitrogen on the environment by promoting low-protein feed)
  • Promote low-protein feed by spreading the use of feed-use amino acids.
S: Human resource development
Company-wide Action Plan Development of human resources to realize growth strategies
KPIs FY2023 activity report
Number of in-house recruitment system and interdepartmental transfers
(number of career challenges)
  • In-house recruitment: 18 sectors opened for recruitment in October 2023.
Number of elective training courses taken
: Next-generation leader training Number of selective training courses taken
: Training to promote the advancement of women (career development of female employees)/ other selective training as a measure to support the autonomous learning of employees Expenditures per employee (for education)
  • Conducting various training programs to develop human resources:
  • ・MR presentation training (Total 31 participants /3 times)
  • ・Facilitation training (Total 9 participants /1 time)
  • ・Elective training: APPLE Program (1st period) was implemented to 15 participants.(Scheduled to continue through the 5th fiscal period)
  • ・Selective training (63 participants /4 types)
  • ・Hierarchy-specific training (Total 14 times /11 types)
  • ・ESG Workshop (40 participants /1 time)
Promote the implementation of internal and external level specific training/selective training (career development of female employees)
  • Various training programs for human resource development:
  • ・Leadership training (34 participants /2 times)
  • ・Department director workshops (Total 8 participants /1 time)
  • ・Next Leadership training (30 participants /1 time)
  • Measures to support employees' autonomous learning:
  • ・Correspondence education: 132 cases (69 case of 1st half, 63 case of 2nd half)
  • ・External seminars: 200 cases
  • ・TOEIC exam support: 68 participants
  • ・Udemy Business: Created 8,437 hours of autonomous learning opportunities across the Company
  • ・flier: Created 52,135 autonomous learning opportunities across the Company
S: Contribution to women’s health
Company-wide Action Plan
Total support for women’s health
KPIs FY2023 activity report
Contribution to women’s healthcare by providing products for each of women’s life stages
  • Promotion of clinical trials and preparation of applications for various development products in the field of gynecology.
  • In addition, information on clinical trial data was disclosed (7 items).
  • Promote activities to expand product lineups by women's life stages.
New initiatives for women's healthcare
  • Promote around-the-pill initiatives through CVC establishment and investment, investment in women's wellbeing funds, and direct startup investment.
  • Two new initiatives were launched to contribute to the pharmaceutical periphery by utilizing FemTech.
  • ・Signed "Agreement for joint development and marketing of therapeutic applications in the field of obstetrics and gynecology" with SUSMED.
  • ・Started to sales 'Training videos on women's health'.
Promotion of the advancement of women through activities to raise awareness on health and diseases
  • Co-sponsored a seminar on "Pregnancy and the Thyroid Gland" at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Thyroid Society.
  • The Comfortable Menstruation Project
  • ・Jointly held a luncheon seminar in 96th Japan Society for Occupational Health, "Dealing with Menstrual Problems as a Key to Improving Productivity in the Workplace".
  • ・An article titled "Neglecting Women's Health Issues is Costly for Companies" was also published in Nikkei Medical Online and Nikkei Business (2 articles in total).
Sexual education initiatives for younger generation
  • Exhibited information sharing materials for patients at the Contraception and STD Prevention Seminar for Instructors (SRH Seminar) (8 times, 1,110 attendees in total)
  • Mint⁺ teens
  • ・Published 2 articles on the correct way to cope with menstruation, mainly for high school students.
  • ・Posted on Instagram: 14 feeds
  • Mint⁺
  • ・Complete revising of FY2023 edition of the Health and Physical Education Supplementary Material for High School Students (PDF). (Booklets provided: 170,000 copies / 429 schools)
Activities to raise awareness among families and partners about women’s health issues
  • Mint⁺: 4 articles including "Preconception Care for Your Own and Your Family's Health Starting Today" and “Not just for women! Get to know the male menopause” (average monthly users: approx. 300,000 / PV: approx. 400,000)
  • Conducted online seminar “Aging in a wonderful way! Menopause and Women's Health” and “Why do we need pre-conception care now?”
S: Contribution to animal health
Company-wide Action Plan
Contribution to creation of a society where people and animals can coexist
KPIs FY2023 activity report
Promotion of animal welfare
  • Shonan Research Center Initiatives:
  • ・Disclose ethical considerations in research on the Company's website (continued)
  • ・Conducted animal experiments at AAALAC-certified facilities in compliance with company regulations and Shonan iPark's animal experimentation rules. (continued)
  • ・Consider introducing an animal experiment management system to ensure proper review of animal experiment plans. (Scheduled to be operational in 2024.)
Development and provision of products useful for maintaining the health of companion animals
  • Trilostane tablets "ASKA":
  • ・Awareness-raising activities are conducted by producing/distributing videos on case studies of administration and precautions for pet nurses when handling the preparations.
  • ・Planning and sponsorship of a booklet on the use of Trilostane in dogs with co-morbidities.
Development and provision of non-invasive measurement kit products using body hair
  • Conducted clinical trials using small animal body hair
Promotion of biodiversity
  • Promoted a biodiverse environment by providing a diverse range of products that target animals, including livestock/poultry, pets, and farmed fish.