We, ASKA Pharmaceutical Group, comply with all laws, regulations, international rules, codes of conduct and the spirit thereof, both inside and outside Japan, and in order to achieve a prosperous society in all of our business areas including pharmaceuticals, we fulfill our social responsibilities with a high sense of ethics as follows:
1. Sustainable Economic Growth and Solving Social Challenges
We will actively engage in the research and development of innovative drugs that contribute to the advancement of medicine and provide a stable supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals with excellent efficacy and safety. At the same time, by creating real value in pharmaceuticals and solving medical needs as a company needed by society, we will contribute to efficient use of medical expenses and saving of medical resources.
2. Scientific and Rigorous Research and Development
We will conduct clinical trials with scientific rigor with the cooperation of medical institutions, while ensuring respect for the human rights of the subjects as well as safety. We will conduct animal experiments that are required as non-clinical studies with due consideration for animal welfare. When applying for marketing approval for drugs, we will use and handle appropriate data in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, internal rules, and scientific validity.
3. Promotion of Proper Use
To promote the proper use of pharmaceuticals, we will accurately provide scientifically-supported information on quality, efficacy, and safety of pharmaceuticals both inside and outside Japan, and will promptly collect, analyze, and evaluate post-marketing information thereof and transmit it.
4. Trust with Healthcare Professionals and Patients
We will promote honest communication with healthcare professionals and patients to attain their satisfaction and obtain their trust.
5. Fair Business Practice
We will conduct fair, transparent, and free competition in all of our business activities, and maintain healthy and normal relationships with healthcare professionals, business partners, administrative agencies, political organizations (individuals), etc.
6. Thorough Information Management
We will take every possible measure for the information management fully considering the proper protection of personal and customer information, as required with the advent of advanced IT.
7. Fair Information Disclosure and Constructive Dialogue
We will disclose corporate information in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner, and engage in constructive dialogue with stakeholders to enhance corporate value.
8. Addressing Environmental Issues
We recognize that environmental issues should be tackled globally and that solving them is an essential requirement for companies to continue their activities and survive. We will therefore not only comply with relevant laws and regulations but also promote our efforts addressing environmental issues voluntarily and proactively.
9. Reform of Working Style and Improvement of Working Environments
We will promote a working style that respects the diversity, personality, and individuality of every employee to ensure a rewarding working environment considering the health and safety of employees.
10. Community Participation and Contribution to its Development
We will not only make a social contribution through all of our business activities but also actively participate in the community and contribute to its development as a good corporate citizen.
11. Thorough Crisis Management
We will conduct thorough and systematic crisis management against the actions of antisocial forces that pose a threat to the lives of citizens and corporate activities, as well as terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters, pandemics, etc.
12. Respect for Human Rights
We respect the human rights of all people. In our overseas business activities, we will respect local culture and customs and actively promote international exchanges.
13. Role of Top Management and Fulfilment of this Charter
Top management and other officers of the Company shall recognize that their roles are to fulfill and realize this Charter, take the lead in taking actions therefor and disseminate this Charter to all the employees of the Company. In addition, they shall seek to understand the voices of people inside and outside the Company, build effective governance, and ensure thorough corporate ethics.
If any event occurs that violates this Charter, the top management shall, at their own responsibility, resolve the problem, investigate the causes and prevent a recurrence, and disclose information promptly and accurately to the public. Additionally, the top management shall perform the corporate responsibilities, restore the credibility and take strict action, including against its executives.